Barnaby Druthers: The One Holding the Match

Before he passed away, the patriarch of a wealthy family placed his controversial diary into the hands of  Clarence Montville, a figure who promised him immortality. The daughter hires Barnaby to secure the location of Montville's secret treasures in order to prevent the diary from being used to ruin the family name. Is there something more to the investigation and can Barnaby succeed without Harper Thorne's help? We proudly present: The One Holding the Match.

Barnaby Druthers: The One Holding the Match

Written, created and produced by J. Timothy Quirk

Directedby AJ Lin. Produced by Kurt Boucher

Starring Humphry Rolleston and Deborah Goodman

With Dan Willey, Jack Sheedy, Kurt Boucher and Devon Richtmeyer

Music by Robert C. Fullerton and Bob Eccleston Incidental music by Soundtrap


Le Diable Roulette


Barnaby Druthers: The Patient