Frequently Asked Questions

How is Barnaby Druthers audio theater program created?

The short answer is that the show is written by J. Timothy Quirk. When a script is complete, it is forwarded to the director, AJ Lin, who casts the show. Most actors are a part of the Nutmeg Junction audio theater team. PRE-COVID, the program was recorded in studio B at WAPJ community radio in Torrington. Now, the program is recorded remotely. The program audio file is first sent to producer Kurt Boucher who scrubs the audio so that the master project audio is clean. Then the audio is sent to J. Timothy Quirk who will edit the program, adding sound effects, music and credits. The audio is then preserved, archived and shared with community radio stations!

The Barnaby Druthers audio theater program is created on an all-volunteer basis at every level and is a non-monetary endeavor in every respect.  We do not solicit funds for our program, we do not sell advertising, and, when performing live, we do so only in support of non-profit organizations. Our show airs on non-commercial outlets only, specifically community radio stations.

Is the program “public domain”?

NO! Barnaby Druthers is not in the public domain. The program is copyrighted. HOWEVER the program is free to air, share and broadcast by any non-commercial community radio station, school or non-profit organization. And by free, it is 100% free. No payment is expected, or ever collected. That’s why the program has an easy download button on every episode. If you work at a community radio station, and want Barnaby Druthers on the schedule, we say GREAT! Let us know how we can make the experience the best for you and your listeners! It is prohibited to use Barnaby Druthers in any commercial way.

How many stations broadcast Barnaby Druthers?

This answer varies, but so far the answer is always increasing so that’s great news for us. Currently as of Sept 2023, the program is on 27 stations plus 2 in New Zealand, 1 in Canada. Once again, if you have a community radio station, we’d love to share our program with your listeners!

What is the difference between Barnaby Druthers and the Barnaby Druthers Mystery Hour?

The simple answer is length of the program! The regular Barnaby Druthers program is 28 minutes which is perfect for community radio stations that have a half hour segment.

Barnaby Druthers Mystery Hour is approximately 56 minutes. The first half of the program is the Barnaby Druthers 28 minute episode followed by an additional half hour of audio theater created by the same team that creates Barnaby Druthers. This team falls under the banner and name of Nutmeg Junction.

What is Nutmeg Junction and how is that different from Barnaby Druthers?

Nutmeg Junction was the audio theater program created in 2018 for community radio (that is still ongoing as of today). The program is anthology in nature. One episode might be a science fiction adventure, another episode might showcase a gritty noir mystery, another might share some comedy sketches. Out of this whirlwind came Barnaby Druthers. Barnaby was first a character created for this anthology series however there was so much to the character and potential for stories that Barnaby’s adventures became their own series. If you are interested in Nutmeg Junction, check out

Will I see Barnaby Druthers in other forms of media?

Let’s just say “absolutely”! Any news will be found posted on the blog and on social media!