Barnaby Druthers: The Scarecrow’s Confession

This story takes place in the Classic Druthers timeline.

October 1901: After Barnaby and Harper ended their partnership into private inquiries and Barnaby has retired, on a speaking tour in America, Barnaby is asked to investigate a mysterious coded letter found hidden in a box secured in the body of a scarecrow.

The Scarecrow’s Confession (c)2023

 Written created and produced By J. Timothy Quirk

Directed by AJ Lin   

Music By Robert C. Fullerton and Bob Eccleston

Starring Humphry Rolleston and Devon Richtmeyer

With  Amanda Yount and Kurt Boucher and AJ Lin and J. Timothy Quirk

Narrated by Nicole Boucher     

 ith gratitude to:

Ben Cruson and Kimmie Killmer and the Beardsley Library in Winsted, CT 

Bill Guerrera and the Thomaston Historical Society 


Edward Cannata and Main Street Torrington 

© 2023 J. Timothy Quirk

A Classic Druthers Audio adventure


Barnaby Druthers: Harper Thorne in “But Not Yet”


Barnaby Druthers: The Crossroads of Clues Part 2 of 2