Barnaby Druthers: Tradition, Progress and Golden Feathers (A Harper Thorne New Years Story)

“As the New Year approached, every minute brought the moment closer until an attempt on someone’s life would be made. Worser still, Harper did not truly know who the assailant was or who the intended victim would be and for all she knew, she was in the latter category.”

Traditions, Progress and Golden Feathers: A Harper Thorne Adventure on New Years Eve

Written created and produced by J. .Timothy Quirk (c)2023 created for community radio

Directed by AJ Lin

Music by Bob Eccleston, theme by Robert C. Fullerton Auld Land Syne performed by the US Navy Band

Narrated by Humphry Rolleston

Starring Devon Richtmeyer

With Lana Peck, Matt Griffiths, Juliet Youngren, Beth Steinberg and Tiffy McKay

In this episode we also thank the many creators who shared their time and talent to bring Barnaby Druthers to life in 2023.
Our thanks goes out to the many creators of Barnaby Druthers who worked on stories this year, those behind the scenes like director AJ Lin and producer Kurt Boucher and our lead actors Humphry Rolleston and Devon Richtmeyer. We are grateful to Robert C. Fullerton for his theme music and Bob Eccleston for his classic handpan music.

We are grateful to the actors who helped shape our stories,

Our actors:  

Darcy Abbott Norm Amirault Kurt Boucher Nicole Boucher Ray Boucher Suzy Colipits Jerry Crystal

Rich Cyr Kirsten Erickson John Fabiani Robert C. Fullerton Melissa Gabehart Matt Griffiths Liam Grimaldi

Deborah Goodman Jandi Hanna Phil Hall Ilana Hunter Jason Kulas AJ Lin David Macharelli Tiffy McKay

Jim Miron Kristin Moresi Christiane Olson Dillanger Otterson Lana Peck Amy Petrucci J. Timothy Quirk

Linda Rafuse Devon Richtmeyer David Robinson Jean Robinson-Dexter Humphry Rolleston Jeff Savage

Lorena Schmidt Jack Sheedy Dale Sewers Kayla Soule Colin Studley James Studley Paul Starybrat Eli Tucker

Olivia Wadsworth Beverly Wanza Jones Dave Walker Dan Willey Juliet Youngren Amanda Yount

Thank you to the volunteers who bring community radio to their communities, we thank the community radio stations who share our show with their listeners and most of all, we thank the listeners who take the time to enjoy the stories we share. We hope you continue to enjoy these stories and we look forward to creating new adventures in the new year!


Barnaby Druthers: Boxing Day and Dear Mister Druthers