Barnaby Druthers: Aionios

When Harper Thorne’s housekeeper, Mrs. Kipling, departs for Ramsgate after her estranged husband passes away, a mysterious figure seemingly inspired by the sea nymphs of the Greek myths stalks the Thames River.

Barnaby Druthers: Aionios

Written, created by J. Timothy Quirk (c) 2021

Directed by AJ Lin

Music by Bob Eccleston

Produced by Kurt Boucher and J. Timothy Quirk


Humphry Rolleston, Devon Richtmeyer, Jandi Hanna

With Lana Peck, Kristin Moresi, John Fabiani, Jason Kulas

Jim Miron, Kurt Boucher, Jeff Savage, Tiffy McKay and David Robinson


Barnaby Druthers: The Patient


The Duchess’s Judas Window (update) (Copy)