Spotlight on Humphry Rolleston: THE Barnaby Druthers

Humphry Rolleston performs in the role of Barnaby Druthers for the Barnaby Druthers audio theater program.

We asked Humphry about the experience

What prepared you most for the role of Barnaby Druthers?

Being an Englishman from an upper middle class background born in London!

What is the most challenging part of being/acting as Barnaby Druthers?

Doing justice to the wonderful scripts and being consistently on character. 

What were your expectations/thoughts when you first joined Nutmeg Junction and how have those expectations changed, met or been not met?

I thought it might last a few weeks at most and now we are in so many states, different eras, formats etc. I had no idea it would grow so much and last this long. I love playing him!!!! 

Where do you see Barnaby Druthers/Nutmeg Junction going in the new season?  

I think we will continue to innovate with new formats, potential live performances and Barnaby Druthers will become more self aware, more sensitive and perhaps find love! 

Humphry Rolleston as Barnaby Druthers


Barnaby Druthers Team supports the WGA


Notes on The House at the End of Sycamore Lane