Barnaby Druthers: The Wake of Barnaby Druthers

Written and produced by J. Timothy Quirk ©2024 created for community radio

While his friends eulogize the great amateur detective, the Mesmer King may be seeking one last attempt to steal his cane back from the coffin of Barnaby Druthers!

Directed by AJ Lin Music by Bob Eccleston and Robert C. Fullerton

Starring in alphabetical order; Kurt Boucher, Jerry Crystal, Robert C. Fullerton, Jandi Hanna, Jason Kulas, David Macharelli, Tiffy McKay, Lana Peck, Christiane Olson, Devon Richtmeyer, Humphry Rolleston, Paul Starybrat

 Author’s Note:This story was a special treat to create because it invited our honored actors to return to their roles and speak about Barnaby Druthers. The title of the episode is clearly meant to elicit the response of wondering if this is the last episode, which it decidedly is NOT, but it is a wonderful milestone and it it actually was the last episode, it would be a fitting one indeed.

It references multiple prior events in the Druthers lore. The narration starts the story and it references The Robin Hood of the Gala, where Chastity, the ward of the Duchess was learning archery.  The Mesmer King is of course from stories involving that character including the self titled one from series 3. Lionel Johnson’s poetry is in a few stories, including the Duchess’ gala and Of Rhyme and Reason,  Inspector Gregson recalls Doctor Hyluss and Valentia from “The Mouse Trap”,  Mrs. Kipling recalls events from the Robber Poet of Skegness and Ainoios.  Mister Todd references What If This Cursed Hand. Mademoiselle Dubois will feature in many stories taking place in France which we will share in the coming years. Sebastian discusses Barnaby’s mother, an omnipresent figure throughout the stories and his violence is foreshadowed in Boxing Day.  The Viscountess discusses the Case of the Five Buttons. Harper references Baronet’s Ball, Scarecrows in the Meadow, the Veiled Lady and Monsters in the Moonlight  and later the fog machine from When the Fog Lifts.

Finally Barnaby speaks, He mentions Frederick Gimble, played by the late Jeff Savage ,and Barnaby speaks from his heart to his friends.

For those who have occasion, they may revisit some of the other episodes referenced here as we continue on our journey sharing stories about the world of Barnaby Druthers.


The Case of Doctor Hyllus (encore)


Barnaby Druthers: All We Bring to Bear Part 4 of 4 (u)