The Baronet’s Ball

The Baronet’s Ball

When Barnaby and Harper attend a fancy dress party, it is the seemingly innocent entertainment at the card table in the game room that has a more sinister intent.

Written created ad produced by J. Timothy Quirk ©2024

Directed by AJ Lin, production by Kurt Boucher,

Starring Devon Richtmeyer and Humphry Rolleston

Narrated by Tiffy McKay

With Jandi Hanna, Dave Walker, Lorena Schmidt, Kristin Moresi, David Robinson, and Kurt Boucher

Theme music by Robert C. Fullerton    Incidental music by Bob Eccleston

Handel’s water music performed by United States Marine Band

Although a stand-alone story, this is part two of The Web of Intrigue series of adventures.

#audiotheater #radioplay

The Baronet’s Ball (an acrylic painted by J. Timothy Quirk for the episode cover)


Cedric the Optimist


Never the Twain Shall Meet (The Web of Intrigue Part 1)