Barnaby Druthers: Murder Can Be Deadly (updated)

In this rehearsal version of the script that was the basis for the live performance, the cast of Barnaby Druthers performs "Murder Can Be Deadly". Lord and Lady Litchbury's home is disturbed when a dead body is found in the kitchen along with spilled marmalade. Barnaby Druthers and Harper Thorne are called in to investigate! 

Barnaby Druthers: Murder Can Be Deadly

Written created and produced by J. Timothy Quirk

Directed by AJ Lin. Music by Bob Eccleston

 Starring Devon Richtmeyer and Humphry Rolleston

With Christiane Olson, Jerry Crystal, Kurt Boucher, AJ Lin, Jeff Savage, Ilana Hunter and Lana Peck as the Viscountess

Directed by AJ Lin Music by Bob Ecceleston


Barnaby Druthers: Ghost Bride of Grenton Hall (A Harper Thorne Adventure)


Barnaby Druthers: Sin’s Reward